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10 Tips for Visually Assessing Color

Time:2024-07-09 Views:149
No matter what industry you‘re in, judging color involves more than just measuring a sample with a color measuring device.

Just because a spectrophotometer says your color is within tolerance doesn‘t necessarily mean it looks right to the human eye.

To minimize customer rejections, your color control process needs to include a visual assessment in the lightbox.

This is especially important if you‘re producing different parts for the same product, as they need to be matched inside the factory, outside, in fluorescent stores, and anywhere else once they enter the world.

Visual Evaluation with Lightboxes

A light box, such as AISI‘s SpectraLight QC, provides a controlled environment for judging and comparing color under different light sources. Here are ten tips to ensure you get the most from your visual evaluation process.

1. Know your limitations. If your eyes can‘t see accurate color, there‘s nothing a light box can do. Everyone involved in a visual assessment program should be tested for color discrimination. the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test has been around for more than 40 years and is a simple and effective way to identify superior (or substandard) color vision.

2. Select the correct lighting conditions. Select every light source where you can see the final product.

3. Minimize surrounding light. The only light in the room should come from inside the light box. Light is color, and even a little bit of light through a window or desk lamp can change the color perception of a sample.

4. Keep the light box tidy. Don‘t put or store anything in the light room, all of which can affect your color perception and lead you to make bad decisions.

5. Be aware of the colors around you. Our eyes are constantly processing the light that hits our retinas. Even our clothes can change our perception of color!

6. Organize your samples properly. While this depends on the product and material, a general rule of thumb is to view samples in a 0°/45° geometry. Light boxes make this easy - simply place your sample at the bottom of the light room, parallel to the light source. If you are comparing samples, place them side by side so they are parallel and touching. Even a slight space between colors can trick your eye. You will also need to move them from left to right and top to bottom and watch for any changes in color.

7. Quick view. You may think that gazing will help you focus, but in reality, after looking at the same object for 5-10 seconds, our eyes become less sensitive. When judging colors, take a quick look, then rest your eyes and judge again.

8. Beware of homochromaticity. Homochromia is a phenomenon that occurs when an object matches one light source but not another. It usually occurs when dyes, paints, or pigments are changed during the manufacturing process. To check for homochromatism, view the sample under a variety of different light sources.

9. Evaluate early and often. The sooner you catch a color problem, the less rework you‘ll have to do later.

10. Define standards. Once you‘ve determined what works for you, your product, and your customers, write it down. Standard operating procedures will ensure that everyone responsible for evaluating color does it the same way.

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