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CTP plate and the difference between traditional plate making!

Time:2024-07-22 Views:174
With the continuous innovation of printing technology, now has been realized without printing; but in the field of plate printing, its plate-making technology has also had a qualitative change, such as the new CTP plate compared to the traditional plate has obvious advantages, this article will explain in detail the difference between the CTP plate and the traditional plate!

1. Process differences

CTP plate is a digital printing technology, the digital file output directly to the plate, eliminating many intermediate links in the traditional plate. Set optical technology, electronic technology, color digital image technology, computer hardware and software, precision instruments and plate technology, automation technology, network technology and other new technologies in one, is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary products. The main structure includes mechanical system, optical system, circuit system, through the computer-controlled laser scanning imaging, and then through the development, fixing and other processes to complete the production of printing plates.

Traditional plate making usually requires transferring the design files to the film through plate shooting, etc., and then making printing plates through film tanning. The process includes scanning and recording, graphic production, electric distribution of film, manual collation, sun PS version, development and plate repair and other links, involving more manual operation and intermediate media.

2. Quality difference

CTP plate-making reduces intermediate links, resulting in high output resolution, which can realize high-precision plate making and ensure that the layers are delicate and the dots are clear. Thus, the imaging is more accurate, and the layers can better restore the color and details of the original. And avoid the quality loss and error caused by too many intermediate links, improve the stability of the quality of the printing plate.

Traditional plate making there are some unavoidable manufacturing errors, such as the quality of shooting, negative quality and other issues that may affect the quality of the final print; and dot reproduction range is relatively small, easy to be affected by the film reproduction process, such as dot loss.

For example, in order to print a fine picture book, for example, CTP plate can present a clearer, more detailed image, while the traditional plate may be blurred or distorted in the nuances.

3. Efficiency difference

CTP plate making has a high degree of automation and digitalization, and can realize fully automatic plate making production, which greatly improves the speed and efficiency of plate making. At the same time, due to the elimination of many intermediate links, reducing manual operation and human factors, thus also shortening the cycle of plate making. 

Traditional plate making requires multiple links and professional operators, relatively low efficiency. And plate-making cycle is relatively long, easy to be affected by human factors. If you encounter urgent printing tasks, traditional plate making may not be able to meet customer demand.

4. Cost difference

CTP plate making despite the CTP equipment purchase and maintenance costs are higher, but taking into account the traditional plate making professional equipment and labor costs, as well as CTP technology can shorten the production cycle, reduce material consumption and waste, so the actual overall cost is lower. Therefore, for long-term, large-volume printing business, CTP plate making is more advantageous in terms of cost.

Traditional plate making equipment investment is relatively low, but the cost of film and other materials, as well as the cost of labor and time costs are higher. However, for short-term, small amount of printing, traditional plate making may cost less.

5. Environmental difference

CTP platemaking reduces the use of chemicals, such as photographic film, developing fluid, fixing fluid, etc., reducing the pollution of the environment. Part of the CTP technology even realize the free processing, further reducing the discharge of waste water and waste liquid.

Traditional plate making requires the use of chemicals for film development and fixing plate making process, will produce a large amount of waste water and waste liquid, causing some pollution to the environment.

In short, CTP plate compared to the traditional plate in many aspects have obvious advantages, in the field of printing plate application has become more and more widespread; but the traditional plate in some specific cases still has its application.

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